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PCI eLearning Course T220: Production and Construction Details of Full-Depth Precast Concrete Deck Panels
T220: This third course in the full-depth precast concrete bridge deck series, presents an understanding of the processes necessary for the manufacture and handling of precast concrete deck panels. These topics are more than just helpful in considering the adaptation of panels to a particular project. Insights into plant capabilities open up the designer’s awareness to possibilities. In the field, lifting and installation procedures help the designer anticipate specific issues. This course assists the designer in considering options to apply as well as possible limitations to avoid. The issues are readily put into context through ample photographs showing plant production and field installations on bridges.

After completing this course, the student will be able to:
  • Identify many of the basic steps in the production of precast concrete deck panels
  • Recognize the placement of pretensioning strands and post-tensioning ducts
  • Understand challenges in handling and shipping panels
  • Understand how girder surfaces are prepared for panel installation
  • Recognize how panel elevations are adjusted to desired grade
  • Understand how shear pockets and joints are grouted and the requirements for the grout
  • Recognize the properties of ultra-high-performance concrete
  • Converse about the requirements and types of deck overlays
  • Refer to two design guides and sample specifications
Availability: On-Demand
Cost: FREE
Credit Offered:
1 PDH Credit
1 LU Credit
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