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Simplifying the Building Envelope with Precast Concrete Webinar
This presentation addresses how to use precast concrete wall systems to meet the latest code requirements such as continuous insulation and air barriers. Research has shown that the building envelope is one of the most complex aspects of design and reasonably so, as design teams are expected to meet client and aesthetic expectations while meeting performance standards and regulations, precast provides solutions to these concerns. This session will also touch on the idea of resilience; a structure must be able to resist environmental forces, such as high winds and earthquakes in order to protect life and fulfill its intended purpose. Additionally, moisture management, thermal mass effect, and integration with other building systems will be discussed.

Learning objectives:

Describe different attributes of precast concrete envelope systems
Explain thermal mass and how to use it to create more energy efficient buildings
Understand the concept of resiliency and how precast/prestressed concrete incorporates it to provide multi-hazard protection
Describe aesthetic options for precast enclosure systems
Strategies to consider for prefabricated envelope systems

Presenters: Dan Stenzel and Alex Wiltfang
Availability: On-Demand
Cost: FREE
Credit Offered:
1 PDH Credit
1 HSW/LU Credit
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