Why Employee Well-being Matters for Your Bottom Li ...
PCI webinar Selected Depression Resources PDF 9-18 ...
PCI webinar Selected Depression Resources PDF 9-18-2024
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The Pre-Cast/Pre-stressed Concrete Institute (PCI) is hosting a webinar titled "How Wellbeing Impacts Your Bottom-Line" on September 18, 2024. This event aims to explore the influence of wellbeing on company performance, with a particular focus on mental health.<br /><br />In alignment with the webinar theme, the PCI provides numerous resources for understanding and managing depression, a common mental health issue affecting many in the workforce:<br /><br />1. **Depression Fact Sheet**: Available through the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI), this fact sheet provides comprehensive information about depression, including symptoms, treatment options, and prevalence: [Depression Fact Sheet](https://www.nami.org/NAMI/media/NAMI-Media/Images/FactSheets/Depression-FS.pdf).<br /><br />2. **Depression FAQs**: Offered by the Anxiety & Depression Association of America (ADAA), this resource answers frequently asked questions about depression, addressing causes, symptoms, and treatments: [Depression FAQs](https://adaa.org/understanding-anxiety/depression/faqs).<br /><br />3. **Right Direction for Me**: A collection of depression management resources tailored for both individuals and organizations, provided by the Center for Workplace Mental Health. This tool is designed to help manage and mitigate the impact of depression in workplace settings: [Right Direction for Me](https://www.rightdirectionforme.com/).<br /><br />4. **Mental Health Screening Tools**: Mental Health America offers various screening tools to help individuals assess their mental health and seek appropriate help if needed: [Mental Health Screening Tools](https://screening.mhanational.org/screening-tools/).<br /><br />5. **Mental Health & Wellbeing in the Construction Industry - National Survey (Sept 2021)**: Authored in part by Cal Beyer, this survey report from the Center for Workplace Mental Health provides insights into the state of mental health and wellbeing within the construction industry, highlighting specific challenges and recommendations: [Mental Health & Wellbeing in the Construction Industry](https://www.workplacementalhealth.org/employer-resources/guides-and-toolkits/mental-health-and-well-being-in-the-construction-i).<br /><br />These resources aim to enhance understanding and management of mental health issues, thereby improving overall workplace wellbeing and productivity.
Pre-Cast Concrete
Pre-stressed Concrete
PCI Webinar
Mental Health
Workplace Mental Health
Depression Resources
Mental Health Screening
Construction Industry
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